Our 2025 Compliance Benchmark Report is out now!

Discover insights from 700 compliance professionals

About the report
A-LIGN’s fourth edition of the Compliance Benchmark Report includes data based on an annual survey of nearly 700 business leaders and compliance professionals. The report outlines the challenges and motivations of compliance teams and includes a set of benchmarks related to compliance audits that companies can use to evaluate their current strategy.
Key findings
Not all reports are created equal.
Companies have noticed a difference in report quality among auditors, and respondents ranked quality highly when it comes to choosing an auditor.
Companies must do more with less.
Teams reported spending many months each year preparing for and conducting compliance audits, but few have dedicated compliance staff, and budgets are shrinking. As a result, audit efficiency is vital.
Culture of security:
It’s more than just checking the box.
The motivations behind compliance programs are shifting. More companies are focusing on building trust with customers rather than simply doing the basics required for compliance.
Experience + tech are the winning combination.
Best-in-class companies prioritize experienced, tech-enabled auditors that can serve as compliance partners rather than one-off vendors offering a rushed or cheap audit job.
Compliance Corner
Join us for a monthly webinar that goes beyond compliance benchmark statistics with experts from A-LIGN. Each month, we’ll bring on special guests to dive deep into topics like choosing audit partners, fostering a culture of security, and markers of quality in an audit report.